2nd Grade Math Goals

Second Grade Math Goals (derived from the Common Core State Standards): 

  1.  Student can mentally add sums to 20.

  2.  Student can mentally subtract within 20.

  3.  Student can add up to four 1-digit addends.

  4.  Student can solve 1-step addition & subtraction word problems.

  5.  Student can solve 2-step addition and subtraction word problems.

  6.  Student can read & write numbers up to 1000 using number, word, and expanded form.

  7.  Student can compare two 3-digit numbers using <, >, & = symbols.

  8.  Student can add two 2-digit numbers.

  9.  Student can subtract two 2-digit numbers.

  10.  Student can count money using dollars, pennies, nickels, dimes, & quarters.

  11.  Student can identify 2D and 3D shapes.

  12.  Student can measure lengths using inches & centimeters.  

  1.  Student can tell and write time to the nearest 5 minutes.

  2.  Student can use bar graphs to solve word problems.